Fw Publish

This command is the final step of releasing an app, and it does two things: it updates the FW Registry with the information that this version of this app has been released (thus is accessible to the FW Installer on all systems), and it additionally uploads the zip file (created by gulp release) to the Downloads on the Bitbucket repository. For a full guide on the entire release process for the apps, see this guide.

Directory to Run

This can only be run within the app folder root folder (ie fw-dev/apps/sta), and in order for it to properly work, it must be an app that is installed in development mode, after running gulp release.


There are no arguments, optional or required for this command.

Extra Options

There are no additional options beyond those available for all fw installer commands.


The usage for this command is extremely simple, since it has no arguments or options:

C:\Users\[user]\webroot\fw-dev\apps\sta> fw publish