Releasing an FW Installer Update

Unlike apps and addons, the process for releasing the FW installer is not very streamlined. There is no utility to upload it so it must be done manually.

  1. Make sure all the latest changes are pulled from Git, and any changes made committed because any changes not pulled from Git will not be included in the installer and any changes not committed will still be included, making it harder for other developers to work with the installer.

  2. Increment the installer version in composer.json.

  3. Run composer install in your root installer folder to get the latest composer dependencies.

  4. Run the command composer run-script build in your root installer folder. This command may error on Windows machines due to shasum not being defined. If that is the case:

    • Modify composer.json and "remove && shasum -a 1 fw.phar > fw.version"
    • Open a Windows bash utility. Git bash is a good one because it installs when installing Git. Then Navigate to the folder of the FW Installer.
    • Run shasum -a 1 fw.phar > fw.version
  5. The build script should have created two files: fw.phar and fw.version.

  6. Clone the repository from Bitbucket (link can be found here) or navigate to where it was previously cloned. While is the name of the website on which you can view your changes, to clone it:

    • Navigate to the directory you desire to have this repository
    • Run the command git clone
  7. Copy the fw.phar and fw.version files into

  8. Edit fw.semver to contain the same version you put in composer.json.

  9. Commit your changes and push them to the repository

  10. You should now be able to download the latest FW installer from here, or by using the command fw self-update. Make sure to let all the other developers know that you