Releasing An App

This document describes the process that you must take to release an FW app. Releasing an FW app will enable it to be installed using the production version, click here for tutorial on installing production.

  1. Very Important: In your preferred Git client, ensure you have the latest changes pulled and your changes committed and pushed. Otherwise the released version and all updates from the repository will not be in sync. Additionally, if you are developing in a branch other than master, make sure to merge changes with your master. Easiest way to do this is to go to Branches in Bitbucket, and select the option "Merge" next to your branch, using the "Merge Commit" strategy, as in the picture below: Bitbucket Merge Guide

  2. Increment the version number in your apps's fw.json and commit the change

  3. Run gulp release at your app's root

C:\Users\linformatics\api-dir\apps\my-app> gulp release
  1. Run fw publish at your app's root
C:\Users\linformatics\api-dir\apps\my-app> fw publish
  1. Delete the zip folder that was created from release

  2. Follow Departmental Policies for testing and notifying admin of a release. For Informatics, that can be found here.