FW System Setup for Development

This is the main setup documentation for the FW System for Development. We have setup for the different OS systems that you might have, including:

Note: it is highly recommended that you develop using Windows, as that is the main OS that is used by our developers. If you use Linux or Mac, there are things that older developers may not be able to help you with, and you may have to figure it out on your own. If you are still up for the challenge, you may install on Mac or on Linux, but even these documents have not been tested in a while and may be somewhat out of date.

Additionally, in other parts of our documentation, there are additional pieces of setup that may interest you, such as:

FW System Setup for Production

There is a much simpler setup process if you are simply setting up a production environment, and that can be found here. All you need for a production environment is PHP, Composer, and the FW Installer, so this document will take you through only the necessary steps to install those programs.