FW System Setup - Mac OS
This documentation is old, it was updated in some aspects to account for changes to PHP 8.2, but I personally haven't used Mac or tested this, nor have we had any Mac developers in several years, so it may have some steps that are outdated. It will hopefully get you generally in the ballpark, however. It is recommended that you use Windows to develop the FW System, as much of our other documentation is made for Windows
Install NVM, NPM, Yarn, Gulp, Box, and Configure Git
Open up a terminal window. The terminal program can be found in the "Utilities" folder in applications
Make sure you have NVM installed. Run
curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.11/install.sh | bash
nvm install node
npm i -g yarn gulp gulp-cli
Run the following commands and replace bracketed items with the appropriate information
git config --global user.name "[firstname] [lastname]"
git config --global user.email "[email]"
git config --global credential.helper 'store'
Navigate to where you want to place the folder for all this in the terminal and run
mkdir webroot webroot/fw-dev webroot/bin
Download the most recent Box version's
file, from here, and put it in yourwebroot/bin
Install and Configure PHP and Composer
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
to install homebrew -
Use Homebrew to install PHP 8.2 (as PHP does not come installed by default on Mac Systems anymore), by running
brew install php@8.2
Determine where your
file is being run from, by using the following command:php -r "phpinfo()" | grep php.ini
. It will give output like the following:
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /usr/local/etc/php/8.2
Loaded Configuration File => /usr/local/etc/php/8.2/php.ini
Note where your Configuration File is loaded from (in case it is different from the default /usr/local/etc/php/8.2
You will need to edit the
file by using the commandsudo nano /etc/php/8.2/php.ini
(skip theusr/local/
part of the path, but this hasn't been tested, if this doesn't work, try the full pathsudo nano /usr/local/etc/php/8.2
). (Note: Additionally, you can use any terminal editor, such as vim, but many prefer nano). Edit the following things:- Press
control W
(yes, control, not command) and search forreadonly
. Delete the semi-colon in front of the linephar.readonly = On
and change it tophar.readonly = Off
- Search for
, and ensure that the lineextension=intl
is uncommented (no semi-colon) - Search for
, and ensure that the lineextension=zip
is uncommented. - Press
control O
and then return to save and then presscontrol X
to exist
- Press
Use Homebrew to install Composer, by running
brew install composer
Edit your paths to include the bin folder you created a few steps ago by running
sudo nano /etc/paths
and add a new line with the path to the bin folder.- Note: the path to the bin folder will be different depending on where you have placed your webroot and bin folders, but in our example the path would be
. - Also Note: You may need to also add the php path you found earlier as well, since in the past couple of years Mac stopped automatic install of php. (you can test if php works by running
php --version
in the terminal. If it is not recognized, also add the php path to this document as well)
- Note: the path to the bin folder will be different depending on where you have placed your webroot and bin folders, but in our example the path would be
Setup Bitbucket and FW System
- Download the
file here, and place it in thewebroot/bin
folder. - Make a Bitbucket account here and make sure you have access to the Library Informatics Workspace from a Informatics Admin.
- Bitbucket is no longer allowing users to use their Atlassian passwords for Git authentication, which means you need to create an app password for this. Create an App Password by Clicking your picture in Bitbucket, clicking Personal Settings, then click App Passwords. When you Add a Password, use the following settings:
Note: Make sure to copy the password before you close the box because you won't see the password again. If you need it again, just make another Git Password the same way.
- Now that you have a Bitbucket account, go into your
folder by typingcd fw-dev
and login to your Bitbucket account withfw login bitbucket
, using your username and App Password you just created. - Setup the FW System by running
fw setup
. - Install Group Control by using
fw install gc
. Note: If you getTask 'Download' Failed
, it means your Bitbucket credentials did not work. Ensure you used your correct username and app password. - For the first two prompts press enter. For the third prompt, also press enter, and then after hitting enter, you will need to find the Passwords entry with the credentials for your personal database. It should be called
, if you don't have this take to an Informatics Administrator for them to make you a database. Enter the correct database credentials from the Passwords entry as prompted.
Note: If you get a Database migration failed
, you did not correctly enter your database credentials, and you will need to double check that you didn't mistype anything for your database credentials by checking the file webroot/fw-dev/config/local.php
Configure Apache
Mac comes with Apache 2.4 preinstalled, so all you need to do is configure it, rather than to install it.
sudo nano /etc/apache2/httpd.conf
to edit some lines needed for setup (this may have been moved toetc/httpd/httpd
)- Press
control W
and search for php. Then make sure to uncomment the line which begins withLoadModule php_module
(it could be calledLoadModule php8_module
as well, this step has adjusted since we changed from PHP 7, and hasn't been tested). - Press
control W
again and search for vhosts. Uncomment the lineInclude /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
(by removing # in front of the line) - Add a new line underneath the line you just uncommented:
Include /private/etc/apache2/vhosts/*.conf
. (This is going to be a reference folder we will make so that the vhosts for the FW Apps are separate and easier to read) - Press
control W
again and search foruser_www
. Comment out the linesUser_www
by adding a # in front of each line. - Add 2 new lines:
User [yourMacUserName]
andGroup staff
- Press
Control O
and enter to save andControl X
to exit.
- Press
sudo mkdir /etc/apache2/vhosts
to add the folder alluded to above. - Run
sudo nano /etc/apache2/vhosts/fwApps.conf
to create a file where we will store our vhosts. Then add the following chunk of code. Notes: the path will be different depending on where you place the webroot folder. TheServerName
can be changed to whatever is convenient for you (This is the web address you will be typing in to see your current development environment and changes to the apps).
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerName fw.localhost.com
DocumentRoot "/Users/[macUserName]/webroot/fw-dev/public"
<Directory "/Users/[macUserName]/webroot/fw-dev/public">
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
Press control O
and enter to save and control X
to exit the file
- Run
sudo nano /etc/hosts
to edit this file. Add the line: fw.localhost.com
(or whatever you put as theServerName
). Presscontrol O
and enter to save andcontrol X
to exit the file. - Run
sudo apachectl restart
(this is the command that you use to start your apache server, and it is a good idea to run this at the beginning of every dev shift). - Open your web browser and go to address fw.localhost.com (or whatever you put down as the
). Click GC and login to GC with username "admin" and password "password". If you successfully login, you have done everything successfully!
Installing Other Apps
You have successfully completed the FW Installation process. Make sure to follow our other guides to install apps for development or for production.