Setup FW Installer For Production Environment

This documentation is how to setup or update a production environment. For example, if the apps are hosted on a Network Drive, then each computer accessing that Network Drive will need to setup their fw environment. If you are using a Dreamhost server, the setup will be a little different because fw is setup on that virtual machine rather than on each individual machines. This documentation assumes that you are using a network drive (such as K: drive for rather than a Dreamhost virtual machine (such as what is used for There are two aspects to this documentation: what is needed to setup for the first time, and what is needed to update for each PHP update that is released.

First Setup for a New Computer

Get Drive Access

  1. Make sure you have access to whatever Network Drive you are using (such as the K: drive). In the case of the K Drive, your user will need access to both K:\web\libraryweb\docs\info-apps and sub-directories as well as K:\web\libraryweb\fw and its sub-directories.

Download Cacert.pem

  1. In order to get curl and openssl to work in php, you will need to download a cacert.pem file, which can be downloaded by clicking here, and save it to your C:\Windows folder, so you can access it in a later step.

    • If you get an error later on such as cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate, then you have not done this step properly.

Install and Configure PHP and Composer

  1. Download and Install PHP.

    • If you are on a computer using WAMP or XAMPP, you can skip this step and php folder (for Xampp it is usually C:xampp/php, and for Wamp it is usually C:\wamp64\bin\php\{php version})
    • Most of the time, you will not have php already downloaded. In this case, you need to download it from the php website. For now you need to download the Thread Safe Zip File of the most recent version of PHP 8.2.x from this link. Alternatively, if this version is no longer available for download check U:\Informatics\Programming\Setup for K Drive for a zip file.
    • Finally, you need to extract the main folder to the folder: C:\Users\{username}\php.
  2. Edit the php/php.ini file. If there is no php.ini in this folder, rename the php.ini-production file to php.ini and modify that file with the following changes:

    • Search for extension and uncomment the following extensions (by removing the leading semi-colon):
      • extension=curl
      • extension=openssl
      • extension=intl
      • extension=zip
      • extension=pdo_mysql
    • Search for phar.readonly and uncomment the line and turn it off. (so change the line ;phar.readonly=On to phar.readonly=Off)
    • Lastly, modify the curl.cainfo and openssl.cafile to be the cacert file you downloaded in step 2 (should be located at C:\Windows\cacert.pem)
      • So then, the lines should now look like curl.cainfo="C:\Windows\cacert.pem" and openssl.cafile="C:\Windows\cacert.pem"
  3. Download Composer 2.5.5 for Windows by clicking here (just accept all defaults). You will need to scroll down to find the 2.5.5 version to download.

    • Double check that you downloaded the correct version of Composer. Open Command Prompt and type composer --version, and ensure that you are on Composer 2.5.5. If you are not, run the command composer self-update 2.5.5, and it will install the correct version.

Setup Environment Variables

  1. Make a folder C:\Users\{username}\webroot\bin to put your fw installer into.

  2. Modify your PATH environment variable to enable using fw and php from the Command Line.

    • Type Windows + R, and type control sysdm.cpl in the text box.
    • When the window pops up click Advanced, then click the Environment Variables Button
    • In the top part click Path variable (under User variables), and Click edit. Add the following two paths: the PHP path (most likely C:\Users\{username}\php, unless you had WAMP or XAMPP), and the bin folder path (C:\Users\{username}\webroot\bin)

Install FW Installer

  1. Install FW Installer:

    • Download FW Installer from here, and save it in C:\Users\{username}\webroot\bin. It should be an fw.phar file.
    • Restart or open Command line, and create a cmd file to run the fw installer, by running the command echo php "C:/Users/{username}/webroot/bin/fw.phar" %* > fw.cmd in your bin folder, like this: console C:\Users\{username}\webroot\bin> echo php "C:/Users/{username}/webroot/bin/fw.phar" %* > fw.cmd
  2. Bitbucket is no longer allowing users to use their Atlassian passwords for Git authentication, which means you need to create an app password for this. If you have already created an App Password, just navigate to where you have it saved, otherwise create a new one. Create an App Password by Clicking your picture in Bitbucket, clicking Personal Settings, then click App Passwords. When you Add a Password, use the following settings: Bitbucket App Password Settings

Note: Make sure to copy the password before you close the box because you won't see the password again. If you need it again, just make another Git Password the same way.If you have already created an App Password for Bitbucket, then just navigate to where you have that saved, and use that for the password field. If you have not, create an App Password with

  1. Login to Bitbucket on fw by using the following command with your Bitbucket Username, and your App Password:
C:\Users\{username}\webroot\bin> fw login bitbucket

Updating PHP version and FW Environment

While each PHP update may be a little bit different, and the lead developer will need to tell you if there is anything special that you need to do of these steps, generally, it will be the following steps: 1. Update fw-installer by running command fw self-update. 2. Download the new PHP version and configure php.ini as listed in step #4 above. 3. Update your FW API by running command fw setup --update 4. You MAY need to update Composer (check with lead developer) by running composer self-update or composer self-update {specify.version.number}. 5. Update all the apps, but you must begin by updating gc first (using fw update gc)