Introduction to GC Modules

Since all of our apps extend Group Control, there are a few elements used regularly within the Serverside, which are available through Group Control, and not through the Framework Core. While these are not technically "modules," they are an extension or augmentation of the things we spoke about under server modules. Because of this, it seemed good to discuss the various elements of Group Control, which are incorporated into the Serverside here. While not technically part of Framework core, since all apps are made to work with Group Control it belongs in this main documentation.

When speaking of an introduction to Group Control in general, and how they relate to the apps at a broad level, see Ember FW GC's conceptual guide, while it focuses especially on the clientside aspect of Group Control within the apps, it also introduces conceptually departments, users, roles, and groups, which will be vital to understanding serverside as well.

Much of the Serverside for Group Control is documented through the Auth Core Addon, since we are using Auth Core by means of Group Control, but a few specific things will be discussed at this time. Primarily AuthController, and CurrentUser, which specifically help to augment things discussed above.