The sentenceCase helper defines one function, which is used to convert the various Boolean Types to their proper checkmark names. This helper may be helpful in contexts outside of ember-fw-acl, but it should probably be reserved to be used within those apps which already use Access Control (ie it is probably not worth adding ember-fw-acl as a npm package solely for this helper).

If you do have ember-fw-acl already, this function can be used in the controller file with the following import statement:

import {sentenceCase} from '@bennerinformatics/ember-fw-acl/helpers/sentence-case';

Then it can be used just by calling sentenceCase with one parameter in the file.

If you want to call it in handlebars, you can call it with the normal helper syntax as well with one paramenter:

{{sentence-case "editEntry"}} {{!-- Displays: Edit Entry --}}


  • string

Converts a string from camel case to sentence case


  • string String

    String to convert



Sentence case string