This is a modal that is designed to be used by every app to report an issue about that app within that app, rather than having to navigate to issue tracker. It does not have access to Issue Trackers various Ember models because it is outside the context of the Issue Tracker App. Thus the modal which is used within the Issue Tracker App itself extends this modal and adds a few features to it (such as flags). This modal is called within the FwIssueLink, so you never need to actually call it, it is just helpful to know what it does.

Private properties are available to be overridden in Issue Tracker App (unless they are read only), but not able to be passed into the modal via the model property.

isDirty () private

Helper method to determine if an issue is dirty

rollback () private

Handles rolling back an issue model if used

saveIssue () Promise private

Called by the confirm action to save the issue. Extracted to make it easier to override.



Promise that resolves when the issue saves


Array private

Overridden in issue tracker. Not used in external modal.


Array private

Valid options for issue types for most users (Bug and Feature). Constant.


Boolean private

Set to true when a request errors to show the fallback link


Boolean private

If true, the user is currently editing the issue. False is new issue


Boolean private

If true, user has permissions to see additional options. Set by didReceiveAttrs based on user roles.


String private

Alias of model.fallback


Array private

Valid options for issue types for admins and developers (Bug, Feature, and Proposal). Constant.


Boolean private

If true, we are in the issue app. False if any other app.


DS.Model private

Alias of model.issue



The model property for the report-issue modal takes two properties: issue, which is the issue model that is being edited, and fallback, which is a string of a link to be displayed as "Alternative Link" if there is an error saving the issue to Issue Tracker.


Array private

Valid options for issue priorities (default: Low, Normal, Important, Critical, and Release ASAP). Can be overridden when extending this modal in Issue Tracker App to add or change priorityOptions, but it currently is not overridden.


Boolean private

Whether or not to show the fallback link in the modal. Computed if there is an error saving and a fallback link set.


Array private

Overridden in issue tracker. Not used in external modal.


Array private

Overridden in issue tracker. Not used in external modal.


Computed Array private

Valid options for the status dropdown. Computed property, which displays proper status based upon the details of the issue itself. A summary of when certain statuses appear is as follows:

  • Unconfirmed: Appears when either user is not an admin, or if the user is outside the Issue Tracker App. Resolves to new in Bitbucket. Note: issues with this status do not appear in the Issue Tracker App on the "Open Issues" page for users with a developer role.
  • Confirmed: Appears if there is no lastPushed date. Resolves to open in Bitbucket.
  • In development: Appears if there is a lastPushed date for the issue. Resolves to open in Bitbucket.
  • Road BLock: Appears when there is an assignee for the issue. Resolves to on hold in Bitbucket.
  • Future: Appears if the user is an admin when there is not an assignee for the issue. Resolves to on hold in Bitbucket. Note: issues with this status do not appear in the Issue Tracker App on the "Open Issues" page for users with a developer role.
  • Ready for Release: Appears in the dropdown only when the issue has an assignee. Resolves to resolved in Bitbucket.
  • Duplicate: Always appears. Resolves to duplicate in Bitbucket.
  • Invalid: Always appears. Resolves to invalid in Bitbucket.

Note: The Resolved (Bitbucket: closed) issue status never shows up in this dropdown as the only way to close an issue is to releas it.


Array private

Options used in the type modal. Returns either FULL_ISSUE_TYPES or BASIC_ISSUE_TYPES depending on whether extendedOptions is true or not.