Services in Ember FW GC

A service is an Ember object that is accessible from anywhere the service is injected in your Ember application. For more information on Services, checkout the Ember Guides on Services. Ember FW GC defines several services, which are used throughout the package, and are available for you to use. Some of them are more likely to be used than others, but they are all linked here for your convenience. They are:

  • The CurrentUser Service is perhaps the most important service that is defined by Ember FW GC. It allows you to interact with all kinds of information about the user who is currently logged in (their name, their email, their userId, their roles, etc). It is a very useful service and worth checking out.
  • The Ajax Service and Config Service are two services used together to call custom serverside functions. Both of these services extend a service of the same name from Ember FW. A usage example can be found in our Conceptual Introduction - Advanced Topics - AJAX Requests.
  • The AppMeta Service is a service which allows you to read the app configurations for apps based on their appId.
  • The Joke Service is a service that allows you to access the joke, which is displayed on the login page. However, this probably should not be used externally to Ember FW GC.