This service extends both Ember-FW's AjaxService, and the Ember AjaxService, which is Ember-FW's base. The main thing that Ember FW GC's AjaxService adds to these other two is functionality with Group Control authentication. It rewrites all of the HTTP-verbed methods to account for Group Control authentication, and throws an UnauthorizedError if the user is not logged in. For the developer within the apps, however, the AjaxService will function almost identically to the EmberAjaxService, and the Ember-FW AjaxService. Because of this there is no need to document each of the methods, which are documented by EmberAjaxService. The only thing that is added for the developer to call different than EmberAjaxService is the third parameter defaultBehavior (default is false), which was added to all the HTTP-verbed methods. All this will do is skip the user authentication added by Ember FW GC, and instead use the default HTTP-verbed method from EmberAjaxService.

For a basic example of how to implement the config (and ajax) service at the basic level, see our Conceptual Introduction - Advanced Topics.
