Checks if a user has a specific role. Uses the match
utility, so anything passed in for the role will be passed to the match function. The needle
is a flat list of all user roles, and the haystack
is what you pass into the component. Thus,
you are able to pass an and/or array into the this for more complicated role checks. Note, that the
helper uses positional parameters to make an array, thus, your answer will always be wrapped
in one array, so use this when formatting your checks.
<!-- if the match function returns true this will return true -->
{{has-role 'admin'}} <!-- Checks for 'admin' role -->
{{has-role 'admin' 'stats'}} <!-- Checks for 'admin' OR 'stats' role -->
{{has-role (array 'admin' 'stats')}} <!-- Checks for 'admin' AND 'stats' role -->
{{has-role 'admin' (array 'supervisor' 'stats')}} <!-- Checks for 'admin' OR ('supervisor' AND 'stats')-->