Mixin that encapsulates some of the route restriction behavior.

If a roles array and a rejectedRoute property are specified, this mixin will ensure the user has adequate permissions before proceeding to the route.

Mixin designed to be used by a route. Routes that use this mixin MUST also use the PermissionsMixin

Usage: (in a routes file)

import Ember from 'ember';
import PermissionsMixin from '@bennerinformatics/ember-fw-gc/mixins/permissions';
import RestrictedRouteMixin from '@bennerinformatics/ember-fw-gc/mixins/restricted-route';

export default Ember.Route.extend(PermissionsMixin, RestrictedRouteMixin, {
    // your code here

This mixin is used by the RestrictedRoute in your app, which means that any route which extends RestrictedRoute in the Informatics Apps automatically incorporates this mixin.




String public

Route to transition to if the roles check fails. This may have more use case to override than in AuthRoute.

Default: index


Array public

Array of roles to be passed to the match function