The re-login modal is a modal which will appear any time the session expires, and will allow you to simply put in your password to relogin, rather than taking you to
the login page. Each app needs to call it in the application.hbs
file, so that it can be called on any page. It should be set to be the sm
modal size, per our
Informatics modal policies, here. This is what it should look like:
<FwFullscreenModal @modal="re-login" @size="sm" @model={{hash attemptedTransition=attemptedTransition}} @close={{action "closeLoginModal"}} />
The shouldRender
boolean should be showLoginModal
, which is the boolean which is changed by the ApplicationControllerMixin
, so the if statement should look like:
{{#if showLoginModal}}
{{!-- Fullscreen Modal Re-Login information here --}}
Then, so long as you use the ApplicationControllerMixin as directed on your application.js
controller, everything should work properly.
This should be set up for you by the Generator FW, so you should already have these things set up for you in your app, but it is important to note that the re-login modal is the one
modal which needs to be called in the application template by each app.