This util defines a single function match. It is used internally, expecially by the current user service (in currentUser.match()), but there is no reason that this cannot also be imported by your app if it is required. To import this function, use the following code:

import match from '@bennerinformatics/ember-fw-gc/utils/match';

The function itself matches a permission array (haystack) to a flat list of available items the user has (needle), and thus these are its two parameters:

  • needle - flat array of available roles/apps/depts (of the current user)
  • haystack - array of roles/apps/depts to check against

This function can be used to check for apps, roles or departments the user has access to. How this function works: the roles/list of roles passed in via haystack are matched using an 'and/or' setup. If haystack is an array, it treats each role in haystack as an "OR" requirement. If roles is an array and one of the items in that array is a sub-array of roles, that sub-array is treated with an "AND" rule.


// say in this example that the needle of user roles is both 'admin' and 'base'
match(needle, ['admin', 'supervisor']); // needle must contain either 'admin' OR 'supervisor'. RETURNS true
match(needle, [['admin', 'supervisor']]); // needle must contain both 'admin' AND 'supervisor'. RETURNS false
match(needle, [['stats', 'supervisor'], 'admin']); // needle must contain both 'supervisor' AND 'stats' OR 'admin'. RETURNS true


  • needle
  • haystack

See description above


  • needle Array

    flat array of available roles

  • haystack Array | String

    array of role rules to check