Deprecated: Ember Component isVisible has been deprecated by Ember. Use has-role or has-department helper instead.

For Ember deprecation notice, click here. This component is used to show or hide various behavior based on a certain permission level or department. It is a more robust way of doing the same thing that is accomplished by the has-role or the has-department helpers.

Basic Usage:

<AuthBlock @perm="admin">

See the docs for AuthComponentMixin for more details on how you can use this component.



Boolean public
This is the default visibility of the component which uses this mixin. This is used if neither perm nor department are set.

Default: true


String public
If supplied, the mixin checks this against a user's departments.


Computed Boolean private
This sets the isVisible property, computed based on all the other properties passed in.


String public
If supplied, this will be checked against the user's roles using the [match](MatchUtil.html) function. If it passes, it will ignore the department property.


String | Array public
Permission value. This will be passed directly to the [match](MatchUtil.html) function.