Extension of the base FW adapter for models that need to be fetched from a
non-dependency app. The reason for the difference is that if it is a non-dependency app, you need to handle the possibility that that app is not currently installed on
your current system, and use the model accordingly. This also means that you will need to define specifically the appId
for the app this is the model of. This is used much
less commonly than the FwAppAdapter, so it will have varied use cases (ie using Tally models in Substitutions or EmployeeDb models in Message Center). Again, your file will need to
be named identically as the model you are copying, then you set up that adapter like this:
import OptionalAppAdapter from '@bennerinformatics/ember-fw-gc/adapters/fw-optional-app';
export default OptionalAppAdapter.extend({
appId: 'empdb'
Provided you have the model file setup right, it should now pull the data from the optional app instead of your base app.