Mixin that encapsulates some of the route authentication behavior.
If the user is logged into an app, but has no app roles, this will redirect them to index. This is as opposed to the default ember-simple-auth logic which only checks logged in, not roles
Usage: (in a routes file)
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import AuthenticatedRouteMixin from 'ember-simple-auth/mixins/authenticated-route-mixin';
import AuthCheckMixin from '@bennerinformatics/ember-fw-gc/mixins/auth-check';
import AuthRouteMixin from '@bennerinformatics/ember-fw-gc/mixins/auth-route';
export default Route.extend(AuthenticatedRouteMixin, AuthCheckMixin, AuthRouteMixin, {
// your code here
This mixin is used by the AuthRoute in your app, which means that any route which extends AuthRoute
in the
Informatics Apps incorporates this mixin.
String publicRoute to transition to if the check (for authentication and having roles) fails. This should ordinarily be left to the default, but could be overwritten if the need arose.
Default: index