This component is used to create a link to another FW app. It is used similarly to the Ember LinkTo
To use inline, parameters must be provided for the link name, the app ID, and the route name. An optional query parameters object can be added at the end. See the Ember docs for more information on query params
<FwAppLink @title='Link Text' @appId='appId' @route='' />
<FwAppLink @title='Link Text' @appId='appId' @route='' @query= />
When used in block format, the block contents are used in place of link text, so the first parameter is the app ID. An optional block parameter is passed containing the app metadata:
<FwAppLink @appId='appId' @route='' as |app|>
<FwAppLink @appId='appId' @route='' @query=>
<i>Block text</i>
If the app is missing or the user does not have access to the app, no HTML will be rendered.
Use the has-app
helper to show content when the app is missing.
- app
- appId
- params deprecated
- queryParams deprecated
- queryString deprecated
- route
- title
- url
EmberObject privateApp meta object for the related app. Will be null if the app is not found. Set by didReceiveAttrs
Array deprecatedDynamic parameters array. This is deprecated and should not be used. Specify all your parameters
Object deprecated privateThis is deprecated. Query parameters for the link. It was set if using the params array and
passed query params using the query-params
helper, but the preferred method is using the @query
property, as is described here