Search FW Documentation

Welcome to Benner Library Informatics Framework Development Documentation. All of this documentation is meant to make developing in Informatics seamless. This is designed to be a search page for you to find any of our MkDocs documentation here. Use the search bar, and all of our documentation across this site, except for client side ember packages has been indexed and will be searched.

This Search Engine uses Lunr.js as the basis for its search, so it does not work exactly like a Google search engine. That being said, here are some helpful tips for more advanced searches, which is distilled from here

  • Searching by default will return all results that contains one of the words you typed. So searching for Benner Library Informatics Department will return results which contain one of those four words.
  • Term Presence allows you to determine that a word that must be present (using a +) or a word that cannot be present (using a -). So the search +database -migration will return all results that contain the word "database" but do not include the word "migration". You can simulate an and search by placing a + before each word (ie +database +migration).
  • Wildcard is an asterisk (*), and it will search for singular words with the specified letters, with any number of characters where you place the wildcard.
  • You can specify which Fields you are seeking to search for. Your options are title or text. Title is all headings in the documents, and text is the main body. This is required for every word, so the search title:Database Migration will search where Database is in title, or Migration is in the title or text.
  • Scoring is based on the number of matches within a specific document in all fields. Highest scoring will appear at the top.
  • Boosts can be used to set more terms as important. This is done with a carat. This will impact the ranking of things on the page, so Image^10 Core, when displaying results will weight the word "image" at 10 times greater value than "core"
  • Fuzzy Matches are possible, but unlikely to be used, see reference document if you want to know how.