This util is designed to create the most basic defined cells for you. While it does not cover all the cellComponents, the most commonly used (FwRowToggle, FwRowToggleIndex, and FwCellAction) can be imported rather than creating the cell object yourself. You would import them in the following way:

 import {functionName} from '@bennerinformatics/ember-fw-table/base-cells';

After it is imported, the functions below tell you how to implement each one.



  • extra

Creates a generic action cell, with a delete and edit button. Passing small into extra, will display as only icon buttons, whereas the full text will be displayed if it is not set. This should always be the last cell in your columns array. An example use case would be the following (after importing as above):

//will render action cell with icon buttons only
  columns: [
    actions({small: true})
  //will render action cell with full text of "Edit" and "Delete"
  columns: [

Note: You will still need to pass in your edit and delete actions to the tableActions in the FwTableSortable component in order for this to work properly. This only renders the cell.


  • extra Object

    Additional values to add to the action buttons. Small is useful to shrink it with breakpoints.



Object to use as an actions button column

  • extra

Creates a generic row toggle object. If you pass in a valuePath to extra, it will format using the FwRowToggleIndex component (which displays a value on hover) rather than just the regular FwRowToggle. This should be the first cell defined in the columns arraw. An example use case would be the following (after importing rowToggle as defined above):

//generic rowToggle, no differences
  columns: [
  //rowToggle when you need to pass in something to extra, such as valuePath or breakpoints
  columns: [
    rowToggle({breakpoints: ['mobile']}),


  • extra Object

    Additional values to add to the row toggle. Breakpoints is the most common one, but will accept any normal column inputs



Object to use as a row toggle column