This component displays the permission icon for the table on the Permissions page. It should be used in the following way:
columns: [{
label: 'Admin',
valuePath: 'admin',
cellComponent: 'fw-cell-permission-icon',
align: 'center',
width: '80px'
This component will take the value, and display the proper Fontawesome icon based on its value. The value should be one of the following three numbers:
- 0 means that that role does not have access to that feature, and it will display a red X.
- 1 means that that feature is controlled by access control, not by Group Control, and it will display a lock icon in the primary color of the app
- 2 means that that role has access to that feature, and will display a green check mark.
- If the value is anything else, the cell will just be empty