There are several other things of various nature that Ember FW GC defines for you, which you can use in different contexts. Some of these things may be used somewhat frequently, but defy classification, so they are put in here. In these cases, they are described to some level of depth. Other things you will likely not need to look up the documentation for these things. But when you do, they are linked here so you can find them in the search. The items which require a description are as follows:
- There are a couple of adapters, which extend Ember FW's
, which can allow you to pull a model from an app other than your current app. They are: FwAppAdapter, which is designed for a dependency app (most often used for GC User model), and OptionalAppAdapter, which is designed for a non-dependency app. You should use one of these two Adapters in lieu of Ember FW's Base FwAdapter. - There are also two routes which are defined to incorporate aspects of user authentication and roles into the loading of Ember Routes. They are: AuthRoute and RestrictedRoute, and should be used most of the time instead of Ember FW's BaseRoute. For an conceptual introduction to these two different routes and how they should be used see Conceptual Guide - Client - Routes.
- The AppMeta Object is an Ember Object used especially internally to the AppMeta Service, which is designed to save all the information in the app's
Finally, there is the Group-Control Authenticator, which is linked here just for you to find if you need it, though it is likely that you will not.