Base route that handles html computed title modification in particular routes

Usage: (in a routes file)

import BaseRoute from '@bennerinformatics/ember-fw/routes/base';

export default BaseRoute.extend({
    // Your code here
didTransition ()

This sets the title to the updated title, and adds an observer to change incase the title ever changes

  • error
  • transition

Error method catches an error and will retry the error if it is a 500 error. After a certain amount of retries, it will just return a boolean "true" saying it did error.


  • error Object

    This is the error object that is passed when an error is thrown

  • transition Object

    This is the transition object that errored.


updateTitle ()

Called to update the page's title from the current title

willTransition ()

This removes the observer to the updateTitle



Numer of times to retry the model if it returns a 500 error