This component is built to function just like a FwPromiseButton, except instead of working with promises it works with tasks. For more information on ember tasks, click here.

<FwTaskButton @buttonIcon="fa-regular fa-floppy-disk" @buttonText="Save" @class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" @task= />
reset () private

Task that resets the button back to normal after the task has been run.


Boolean private

This is a private boolean that logs whether the task has been completed or not.

Default: false



If you want a button-icon to be displayed, put any of the font-awesome icons as a string here. Must use full icon name, including the class

Default: ''


Computed private

This returns the buttonStyle based on the state that the button is in. If success, it is a success class; if error, danger class; and otherwise it is the normal button class. Watches: submitting, _taskHasRan.



If you are rendering the promise button as an inline component and not in block form, set this to whatever text you want the button to display. If you are rendering in block form, this does not apply.

Default: ''



If true, this will prevent the task from being performed when the button is clicked. Otherwise it will work as normal.

Default: false



The time that the state of the button should be shown before returning to default. Time must be specified in milliseconds.

Default: 3000



Task function to call when the button is clicked. This is required for button to function properly.

Default: null