This component is used internally by fw-dropdown
as setting a tag based on a parameter is difficult otherwise
Minimal usage is simply as below. It may not have much usage outside of fw-dropdown
If the tag is set, the component will automatically update the attributes based on the type, so links are styled like links
<FwDropDownToggle @label="Dropdown" />
Computed Property privateComputes whether the route is active based on the current route name and the active value. If it matches either, this is used to make the text bold. Watches: active, router.currentRouteName
Computed Property privateButton Class (from bootstrap) is computed for the component. Watches _style, tagName
String publicFont Awesome default icon to use for the toggle. Must have icon name and prefix
Default: null
StringFont Awesome icon to use for the button when closed. Must have icon name and prefix
Default: null
StringFont Awesome icon to use for the toggle when open. Must have icon name and prefix
Default: null
StringStyle of the component's button without the 'btn-' prefix. Should be one of the bootstrap styles, commonly: 'default', 'primary', 'danger'. See bootstrap docs for more info. If this is null, 'btn-default' class is used.
Default: null
StringThe tagName property is often overridden in this component, so it is worth mentioning, though it is inherited by Components. For documentation on this functionality, click here
Default: 'button'