Mixin that adds functionality to validation-enabled components. Each of those components use this mixin, and because of this, this mixin is mostly internal to ember-fw. In the app scenario, you should be mostly using the components that are already defined rather than making your own component and using this mixin, but if the situation arises, the following import statement would be used:
import ValidatedInputMixin from '@bennerinformatics/ember-fw/mixins/validated-input';
export default Component.extend(ValidatedInputMixin, {
// ... your component content here
Then all of the properties in this mixin would be available for use in that component.
ComputedThis is when the validation has completed checking, but there is an error (ie validations resolved to false). It is an alias of notValidating, showErrorMessage, and validation all of which must be true.
ComputedThis is an alias that tells us when the validation has completed and is resolved successfully. It is an alias of when validation.isValid, didValidate, and notValidating are all true.