Standard styling for popover icons used in the apps. By default, it displays an i circle and upon hovering over it, it displays the message that you set to it. Most of the time, it is used very simply, in the following way:

<FwInfoIcon @info="My special message to be displayed">

The string sets the positional parameter, info. A positional parameter does not require a title, but determines the parameter based on the position of the value. In this case, FwInfoIcon assumes that the first parameter, if it is unnamed, is the info attribute.

Note: This component extends the FwPopoverIcon component, but this icon has the normal styling, which that does not. More information on that can be found here.




Container for the popover, set to 'body' to prevent parent styling from modifying the popover.

Default: null


Boolean private

This will add the hidden class if info is null.



This is the font awesome icon that will be displayed. It can be overridden by changing this property. It must have the font awesome prefix in order to work properly.

Default: 'fa-solid fa-circle-info'



This property is the main property that is required to make this component work. It sets the content for what will be displayed in the icon message.

Default: null



Determines where the message bubble will appear in relation to the icon. Options: top, bottom, left, right, or auto. Auto is top or bottom depending on screen placement.

Default: 'auto'



Determines how the message bubble will trigger. Options: hover, focus, click, and pinnable. Pinnable supports both hover and click.

Default: 'pinnable'