Integrating your App With Issue Tracker

Issue Tracker is an app, which allows integration between Bitbucket's Issue Tracker API, and the FW App System. The design is for users to entirely use the Framework Application Issue Tracker, and any issues which are made are then created or edited on the repository in Bitbucket itself. Only developers really have access to see the Issue Tracker app itself, but we needed a way for all end users to be able to report an issue in the app, even if they don't have access to the Issue Tracker app. Because of this, we have created the ember-fw-issue package, which is designed to allow apps to be able to report issues without having to change the app they are currently viewing or even without access to the Issue Tracker App. The integration of Issue Tracker into each of the apps is entirely contained within the Help Menu.

Linking to Issue Tracker App

In order for a seamless transition from any app to Issue Tracker, there are a couple of things which should be linked within the help menu. The help menu should link to the current open issues, using Known Issues, and the Version History of that app, so that the user can easily see current and historical issue information for the app. This can be done fairly easily using Ember FW GC's FwAppLink Component, which will handle the linking to another app, and will only display the link if it is an app that the current user has access to. The Known Issues appLink should link to the bugs.{appId} route in the issue app, and the Version History appLink should link to the history.version.{appId} route in the issue app. While this component is technically not part of Ember FW Issue, it is a vital part of integrating your app with Issue Tracker, so it is mentioned here.

Report Issue Modal

The more complicated part of integrating an app to Issue Tracker is allowing a user of an app to report an issue for the app, without even necessarily having access to Issue Tracker itself. This is the entire purpose of Ember FW Issue. In order to do this, all you need to do is call the FwIssueLink component within the FwDropdown for your Help menu. This is the only component that you should call externally defined by Ember FW Issue.

If you need information about the report-issue modal itself, see our API docs for the ReportIssue Modal. However, this modal should never be called directly using FwFullscreenModal as the FwIssueLink component handles all of that for you. Note: this modal is extended to form the report-issue modal within the Issue Tracker app itself, which is why there are a lot of features in the modal in the Issue Tracker App, which are not available in the modal which appears from the Help menu, such as flags, assignees, versions, etc.