Components in Ember-FW-GC

There are many components that have been implemented for you by Ember-FW-GC, which will be a great use to you in incorporating Group Control into the other apps. If you need a reminder about what a component is, see our discussion in our Conceptual Introduction, as well as Ember Guides on Components. Each of the components are linked here, and the ones which are used with more regularity are given a brief description. Some of these components may have been mentioned above in the larger concept of Integrating an app with Group Control, but it is worth listing again here.


There are a few very helpful components which are defined by Ember FW GC, which are used in every app, and so should be especially highlighted for you now:

  • FwAppLink is a very useful component that allows you to link from one app to a route in a different app.
  • FwHeader is an extension of Ember FW's FwHeader component, and it is the default header used in the apps. It adds in all the features to the FwHeader, which interact with Group Control (basically everything on the right side of the header).
  • FwGcNav is an extension of Ember FW's FwNav component, which changes the navigation bar based upon whether the current user has been authenticated or not. This should be used in lieu of the base version in Ember FW.
  • FwDocLink is a link to the current app's documentation, which is set in Group Control. This should be used in every app within the "Help" dropdown menu.

Two other components which have been defined, have been deprecated (because of the option of using the has-role or has-department helper), but they are linked here in case you may need to know about them. They are: AuthBlock and AuthButton.


Ember FW GC also defines several modals for various aspects of incorporating Group Control into the apps. These are not like other built-in modals, which are intended to be called by the end user, and thus have various configuration options. Most of these are internal modals, but they are helpful to know about because some of them can be configured in other ways. The internal-only modals defined in Ember FW GC are: the About-App Modal, the App-Switch Modal, and the Change-Password Modal. The only modal you must call directly is the Re-Login Modal, which should be called in application.hbs.